We can do more than survive, we can LIVE…

Our entire mission was created on the observation that the topics of LIVING after survival, and awareness on trauma & abuse are hugely under-represented in the field of trauma and abuse recovery.

Majority of survivors we’ve spoken with had points in their life that they didn’t even know they were traumatized. Awareness plays a pivotal role by helping these individuals realize that what happened was NOT normal, as well as provide resources and guidance for how to get out and decide better for ourselves. Realizing that we experienced trauma is not a life sentence, it’s a stepping stone to healing. It’s simply a realization which helps us face the truth… that someone or something hurt us, and that we are only wounded, not broken.. therefore we can bandage and heal that wound-together.

Once we decide that we WANT to heal, we have already begun the journey, and we can begin to build a better life for ourselves. “I began this journey not even knowing if I COULD heal, but I knew I refused to collapse. I refused to accept defeat. Trauma had taken enough from me… my past, my present, my childhood, my adolescence… so much. I had to put my foot down. Trauma won’t take my future too.” (Samantha Berlier, our Founder) And now, we want to help you free yourself from trauma too. Trauma doesn’t have control over your life, YOU DO. Walk with us, and you can empower yourself to RECLAIM YOUR LIFE.

What We Offer


What We Offer *

You survived abuse, are you ready to live now? Knowing where to begin is chaotic and confusing. Resources can be difficult to find, even if you know where to look. No one should go through this journey alone, and it would be an honor to guide you through the phase after survival: Learning to live. Schedule a one-on-one session with Samantha, our founder, to take the first step.

Learn more

Trauma & Abuse Recovery Coaching Lessons

Resources For Various Forms of Trauma & Abuse:

See our Resource List below for many different types of assistance including housing, food, help lines/hotlines, financial aid, and SO MANY more resources.


Keynote Speaking, Partnership, etc.

Contact for inquiries or requests for keynote speaking services by our founder Samantha Berlier, partnership/sponsorship requests, affiliate requests, inquiries on how to contribute to our movement, etc.


Subscribe to Samantha’s Blog!

Samantha Berlier NOW has an autobiographical blog live on our website. This blog shares stories of her many real-life experiences of trauma & abuse, and how she overcame them. Every post comes with a Regulation Exercise/Coping Skill, and emotional descriptions. Many of the blog posts come with fun facts, statistics, and educational information on trauma & abuse. Some posts have topics of spiritual and other healing concepts and approaches.

New posts posted regularly.


More coming soon…

Contribute to “Beyond Survival” Today!

Support our mission of spreading awareness, resources, and hope to Trauma and Abuse Survivors. We believe that survivors can do more than survive… we can live! Every contribution helps.

All donations contribute to Beyond Survival, including but not limited to: providing services to those in need, building our organization further, expanding our ability to spread awareness and education on trauma & abuse, and many other impacts we leave on the community!

You are worth LIVING

Make the first step to empowering yourself after trauma and/or abuse. Schedule a one-on-one coaching session with Samantha to begin your journey beyond survival and into wellbeing, into LIVING. What happened to you doesn’t have to limit you, I can show you how to use your past as a doorway into an empowered and elevated version of yourself.

About Our Founder:

Hello! My name is Samantha (“Sam I Am”) Berlier. I have overcame many forms of trauma and abuse including but not limited to: SA, Childhood Bullying, Suicidal Ideation & Attempts, Physical/Emotional/Mental abuse, Addiction-related traumas, DV, and multiple Vehicular Accidents- one of which caused a disabling spine injury. I was formally diagnosed with CPTSD from the traumas, and had many long-lasting effects from these experiences with the first symptoms starting as young as I can remember. No doctor/psychiatrist would give me any hope for recovery, only bandage-style solutions. The best they could offer was a sleep pill for the nightmares, and anxiety meds for the panic attacks. I found myself feeling broken, like I was doomed to be chronically limited by my trauma.

I refused to accept the fate of being “incurable” from the trauma, and began a 5+ year long healing journey. I researched endlessly on SO MANY topics, I tried many therapy forms including talk therapy, EMDR, IFS, Somatic, etc. I tried regulation skills, Spiritual practices including shadow work, intuition-led healing, yoga, prayer and meditation. I focused on self-love, self-respect and self-growth from so many different approaches. I tried many other healing techniques, pushing through numerous failures, dead ends and mental breakdowns, until I found a healing process that actually yielded lasting results I could approve of. Now, I’m proud to be making an impact with everything I learned, and doing my best to help survivors feel supported and hopeful for their journey.

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